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Word of God at your fingertips

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Word of God at your fingertips

Chain Bible Study

King James Version (KJV)

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Chained verses allow a sequential and thematical reading of the Bible without the need to know where the books of the Old and New Testament are found and how are they organised (chapters and verses).

This web site was specially designed for research and study in order to find answers to specific situation in life. Therefore, basic biblical verses have been compiled within the following thematic categories:

Help in Every Situation
Dealing with illness
Dealing with illness

Bible advices for dealing with illness.

ILN #1
Facing suffering
Facing suffering

Bible advices for facing suffering.

SUF #1
Facing aging
Facing aging

Bible advices for facing aging.

AGI #1
Overcoming despair
Overcoming despair

Bible advices for overcoming despair.

DES #1
Dealing with financial problems
Dealing with financial problems

Bible advices for dealing with financial problems.

FIN #1
Coping with stress
Coping with stress

Bible advices for coping with stress.

STR #1
Strengthening trust
Strengthening trust

Bible advices for strengthening trust.

TRS #1
Know the Bible
The Bible
The Bible

Bible knowledge about the Bible.

BIB #1
God, the Father

Bible knowledge about the God, the Father.

GOD #1
God, the Son

Bible knowledge about the God, the Son.

GOD #4
Proclaimed in the old testament

Bible knowledge about the God, the Son, proclaimed in the old testament.

GOD #7
Birth and first years

Bible knowledge about the God, the Son, birth and first years.

GOD #9
Mission (for which He came)

Bible knowledge about the God, the Son, and the mission for which He came.

GOD #12
Death and resurrection

Bible knowledge about the God, the Son, death and resurrection.

GOD #14
God, the Holy Spirit

Bible knowledge about the God, the Holy Spirit.

GOD #17

Bible knowledge about God's forgiveness.

FOR #1

Bible knowledge about confession.

CON #1
Sin and salvation
What is sin

Bible knowledge about what the sin is.

SNS #1
How did sin initiate

Bible knowledge about how did sin initiate.

SNS #3
How did sin enter into the world

Bible knowledge about how did sin enter into the world.

SNS #6
Consequences of sin

Bible knowledge about consequences of sin.

SNS #9
The plan of salvation
God's part

Bible knowledge about God's part in the plan of salvation.

PLS #1
Man's part

Bible knowledge about man's part in the plan of salvation.

PLS #4
Conversion - the new birth

Bible knowledge about conversion - the new birth in the plan of salvation.

PLS #8

Bible knowledge about temptation.

TEM #1
The New Earth
The New Earth

Bible knowledge about the New Earth.

NEA #1

Bible knowledge about repentance.

REP #1

Bible knowledge about prayer.

PRY #1
God's law
God's law

Bible knowledge about God's law.

LAW #1

Bible knowledge about obedience.

OBD #1

Bible knowledge about faith.

FTH #1
Only God is immortal

Bible knowledge about God's immortality.

DTH #1
The human being does not have a soul: he is a soul

Bible knowledge about that the human being does not have a soul, and that he is a soul.

DTH #4
Death is compared to sleep

Bible knowledge about death that it is compared to sleep.

DTH #6
Death is a state of complete unconsciousness

Bible knowledge about death that it is a state of complete unconsciousness.

DTH #9
The dead do not go to Heaven nor to Hell

Bible knowledge about death that the dead do not go to Heaven nor to Hell.

DTH #13
The end of death

Bible knowledge about the end of death.

DTH #16
Second coming of Jesus
The promise

Bible knowledge about the promise of second coming of Jesus.

SCJ #1
The objective

Bible knowledge about the objective of second coming of Jesus.

SCJ #5
When will He come?

Bible knowledge about when will Jesus come second time.

SCJ #8
Our attitude

Bible knowledge about our attitude toward second coming of Jesus.

SCJ #18

Bible knowledge about our progress.

PRO #1
Christian growth
Christian growth

Bible knowledge about Christian growth.

CGR #1
Christian conduct
Christian conduct

Bible knowledge about Christian conduct.

CCT #1

Bible knowledge about God's love.

LOV #1
Jesus, our model
Jesus, our model

Bible knowledge about Jesus, as our model.

JOM #1
Promises in the Bible
Unconditional promises
Unconditional promises

Various unconditional promises in the Bible.

UPR #1
Conditional promises
Conditional promises

Various conditional promises in the Bible.

CPR #1
Prayers in the Bible

Various prayers found in the Bible.

PRS #1
Parables of Jesus
Parables of Jesus
The wheat and the tares

Parable of Jesus about the wheat and the tares.

PRJ #1
The hidden treasure

Parable of Jesus about the hidden treasure.

PRJ #2
The pearl of great price

Parable of Jesus about the pearl of great price.

PRJ #3
The dragnet

Parable of Jesus about the dragnet.

PRJ #4
The unforgiving servant

Parable of Jesus about the unforgiving servant.

PRJ #5
The workers in the vineyard

Parable of Jesus about the workers in the vineyard.

PRJ #6
The wise and foolish virgins

Parable of Jesus about the wise and foolish virgins.

PRJ #7
The talents

Parable of Jesus about the talents.

PRJ #8
The mustard seed

Parable of Jesus about the mustard seed.

PRJ #9
The coming of the Son of man

Parable of Jesus about the coming of the Son of man.

PRJ #10
Build on the rock

Parable of Jesus about the build on the rock.

PRJ #11
The sower

Parable of Jesus about the sower.

PRJ #12
The good Samaritan

Parable of Jesus about the good Samaritan.

PRJ #13
The rich fool

Parable of Jesus about the rich fool.

PRJ #14
The faithful servant and the evil servant

Parable of Jesus about the faithful servant and the evil servant.

PRJ #15
The lost sheep

Parable of Jesus about the lost sheep.

PRJ #17
The lost coin

Parable of Jesus about the lost coin.

PRJ #18
The lost son

Parable of Jesus about the lost son.

PRJ #19
The pharisee and the tax collector

Parable of Jesus about the pharisee and the tax collector.

PRJ #20
Miracles of Jesus
Mircles of Jesus
Jesus cleanses a leper

Bible record about miracle where Jesus cleanses a leper.

MRC #1
Jesus heals centurion's servant

Bible record about miracle where Jesus heals centurion's servant.

MRC #2
Wind and waves obey Jesus

Bible record about miracle where wind and waves obey Jesus.

MRC #3
Two demon-possessed men healed

Bible record about miracle of two demon-possessed men healed.

MRC #4
A girl restored to life

Bible record about miracle of a girl restored to life.

MRC #5
Two blind men healed

Bible record about miracle of two blind men healed.

MRC #6
Jesus walks on the sea

Bible record about miracle where Jesus walks on the sea.

MRC #7
Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic

Bible record about miracle where Jesus forgives and heals a paralytic.

MRC #8
Jesus heals a deaf-mute

Bible record about miracle where Jesus heals a deaf-mute.

MRC #9
Feeding the four thousand

Bible record about miracle of feeding the four thousand.

MRC #10
A boy is healed

Bible record about miracle of a boy healed.

MRC #11
Jesus heals blind

Bible record about miracle where Jesus heals blind.

MRC #12
Jesus casts out an unclean spirit

Bible record about miracle where Jesus casts out an unclean spirit.

MRC #13
Peter's mother-in-law healed

Bible record about miracle of Peter's mother-in-law healed.

MRC #14
Many healed after Sabbath sunset

Bible record about miracle of many healed after Sabbath sunset.

MRC #15
Catching a large number of fish

Bible record about miracle of catching a large number of fish.

MRC #16
Jesus raises the son of the widow

Bible record about miracle where Jesus raises the son of the widow.

MRC #17
A man with dropsy healed on the Sabbath

Bible record about miracle of a man with dropsy healed on the Sabbath.

MRC #18
Ten lepers cleansed

Bible record about miracle of ten lepers cleansed.

MRC #19
Jesus restored the ear of the High priest's servant

Bible record about miracle where Jesus restored the ear of the High priest's servant.

MRC #20
A nobleman's son healed

Bible record about miracle of a nobleman's son healed.

MRC #21
A man healed at the Pool of Bethesda

Bible record about miracle of a man healed at the Pool of Bethesda.

MRC #22
Feeding the five thousand

Bible record about miracle of feeding the five thousand.

MRC #23
A man born blind receives sight

Bible record about miracle where a man born blind receives sight.

MRC #24
Lazarus raised from the dead

Bible record about miracle of Lazarus raised from the dead.

MRC #25
Second catching of fish

Bible record about miracle of second catching of fish.

MRC #26